A telegram through the post says sorry your son is dead 
Hewas only doing his duty when he got a 
Bullet through his head. 
He was standing in a doorway just sheltering 
From the rain His death was 
Instantaneous he wouldnīt have left the pain. 
He was only doing his duty for a country he 
Thought was great but he didnīt seem to realise 
Its built purely out of hate. 
His parents mourn his wife breaks down 
His children scream and cry. 
A soldier lies dead in Belfast and a nation wonders why! 
Are you looking for an answer cause you really donīt 
Have a clue Youīre taught to support the colours 
Of the red the white the blue. 
As the death toll rises in Belfast
New war strategies are declared if it 
Wasnīt for all the killings would the 
Feelings not be shared?